beyerdynamic: an international success story

Lesezeit 4 min


Our microphones and headphones are valued and used all over the world – in studios, on stages and in living rooms. But how is our brand perceived in South America, China, Northern Europe and the USA? We would like to show you what it means for us to be represented in these countries and report on the experiences of our international colleagues in these markets. 


Global presence, local relevance 

With the establishment of our subsidiary in the USA (Farmingdale, New York), the branch in China (Shanghai/Shenzhen) and further representatives in South America, Denmark and the UK, we are able to optimise our brand strategies and communication media. We always take into account the national language and focus on the specific product trends and requirements of the respective market.

Top products in the respective countries

The most popular products vary from country to country, not only because of trends, needs or competitors, but also because of the general purchasing power and economic situation. In South America, for example, cheaper products tend to be in demand.

international brand awareness

Our colleagues Ivan from China, Cristian from South America and Jaime from the USA will report on how the brand is perceived in the different countries:

beyerdynamic – made in Germany 

In addition, our colleagues Patrick from Denmark and Duncan from the United Kingdom report on the importance of the “Made in Germany” quality seal for them:

Innovation and cultural exchange

This international orientation allows us to benefit from a broad spectrum of cultural perspectives and innovative approaches. Collaboration with partners and colleagues from different countries promotes creative exchange, and enables us to recognise new ideas and trends at an early stage and incorporate them into product development. This helps us to keep our finger on the pulse and offer innovative solutions that meet the needs of our global clientèle. 

One outstanding example of this is our collaboration with a high-end manufacturer of portable players from South Korea. We developed a high-end in-ear on demand, which inspired us to launch the Xelento in-ear. 

Another example is the development of Open TWS models such as the new VERIO 200. This design is already established in Asia and is now also gaining popularity in Western countries. Although it is not possible to say whether this inspiration came directly from Asia, it does emphasise the importance of the markets in Asia, Western Europe and the USA. 

beyerdynamic international worldmap


For us, internationalisation diversifies the market risk, promotes cultural exchange and innovation, enables local adaptations, opens up new customer segments and strengthens the global brand image through “Made in Germany”. A big thank you goes to our colleagues who represent us outside Germany and strengthen the brand. 

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